Guard & Protect Training

Donec eget augue sed magna tempor iaculis ut sed ex. Nunc eu libero ipsum. Aenean sit amet semper diam. Sed sollicitudin accumsan convallis. Praesent eget magna vitae erat rhoncus varius nec euismod justo. Curabitur quis tortor eu neque accumsan scelerisque non ac eros. Nam fringilla, velit nec commodo lacinia, ante turpis condimentum nulla, sed suscipit sapien quam non nisi. Mauris sollicitudin accumsan vulputate.

Duis feugiat pretium magna, in faucibus quam tristique vitae. In vulputate eget dui et porttitor. Nulla id nibh enim. Nulla at magna quis arcu egestas maximus. In tincidunt velit ut lectus viverra, et scelerisque nisl porta. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Include & Exclude
Vestibulum odio augue
Ut volutpat placerat
Etiam sit amet nunc
Pellentesque bibendum
Donec ut velit vel libero
Fusce non augue

Specialized training focusing on protection skills, offered as an advanced training module.

  • Basic Guard & Protect:

  • Advanced Guard & Protect:

Frequently Asked Questions

For most general queries and questions, you would find the answer in these FAQs. For any query beyond this list, please contact us using the link below.

We offer private lessons only. This is based on our philosophy that dog obedience training is most successful when it is conducted in one-on-one sessions. This setting allows the trainer and the dog to focus their complete attention on the specific training needs of that dog.

We have trained all breeds of dogs. You would be hard-pressed to find a breed that we have not trained – from Chihuahua to Great Dane, big or small, we train them all!

I train dogs the way a mother wolf would train her pups in the wild, using love and respect instead of food as motivation.

No, your dog can be trained at any age provided that you, the owner, are willing to learn too.

Specialized training focusing on protection skills, offered as an advanced training module.

Basic Guard & Protect

Advanced Guard & Protect